This week, I have completed two research assessments in regards to a relatively recent case study about the correlation between crying and artistic and or aesthetic judgment. Exploring this article within two research assessments was really interesting considering how the study I analyzed correlated with some of Mrs. Pedrero and I’s conversations during our mentor visits. Mrs. Pedrero has mentioned prior to this week that she gets a lot of different reactions from her audience. She explained that some people cry when they see her work, and with my research assessment, I was able to understand what the elicitation of tears mean about both the individual and the art itself. This research assessment would ultimately help serve as a testable factor for my original work. Furthermore, due to COVID-19 and my increased risk of exposure, Mrs. Pedrero and I will continue to meet and work via zoom. For the weeks to come, my major goal is to start drafting the outline for my case study and start creating my art pieces. Per my previous mentor visit discussions, I will also try to buy some more art material to experiment with in preparation for my original work project. Overall, I am excited to continue my research on topics that will help me in my original work and talk to Mrs. Pedrero about my findings.
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