During this last week, I had an amazing time at the Business Symposium. I got the opportunity to catch up with Mr. Speice, one of my former teachers at Hunt Middle School, and chat with a pool of ISM II students at Liberty High School. Getting the opportunity to discuss ISM original work ideas and our individual topics gave me new insight on different careers initiatives and perspectives. Beyond the business symposium, I got the opportunity to start my first major assignment from Mrs. Pedrero. Given the three day weekend, I was able to fully dedicate one of the days to painting, which was something I had always planned on doing. Going into my first big project, I was a bit nervous that I was not going to create pieces that I liked. However, based on our previous mentor visit, I knew that discovering what techniques and “looks” I don’t like is just as helpful and beneficial as finding the colors and practices that I am drawn to. As of today, I have finished the second layer for eight of the nine mini pieces that I started. Out of the eight that are complete, I really like six of them. Moreover, I’ve already started to recognize some patterns in the pieces that I liked and disliked, which is one of the major purposes and goals of this project. Overall, I am extremely excited to finish up the first nine and start the first layer of the second mini series by Mrs. Pedrero and I’s third mentor visit.
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