This week has been pretty productive thus far. Unfortunately, I was unable to meet with Mrs. Pedrero in person last week. I had an exposure through my volleyball team outside of school, and therefore did not want to put her at risk knowing I would be at her home studio for a prolonged period of time. Therefore, this week, I am planning on scheduling a mentor visit via Zoom with her, that way I could be safe while also taking time to work on my pieces. Instead of the visit, I sent her three updated photos of my three recent pieces, which included two abstracts and one semi realistic portrait. I was able to assess her wonderful feedback and apply it to the new abstract pieces I am currently working on and updating. Lately, I have been having some trouble finding my style. I try to look at some of the works of professional artists, but I feel as though the thoughts in my mind are not being replicated on the canvas. This week, my my goal is to continue working on my pieces, plan an idea for a large canvas I have recently purchased, and set up a Zoom meeting with Mrs. Pedrero. Overall, I feel super excited to be able to continue my paintings under Mrs. Pedrero’s guidance. I will also be sure to continue logging in hours under the final product log.
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